Monday, February 7, 2011

Why Are Breast Tingling After Period

The assets and liabilities are from Mars by Venus

Imagine that the assets are from Mars and Venus passive.
One day long ago, looking in their telescopes, discovered the Mars Venus. This was enough to stir their feelings for previously unknown. They fell in love and hurriedly invented space travel, reaching Venus. The Venusian
welcomed the Martians a. .. legs apart. They always knew this day would come .. and their hearts (?) Were opened to a love ever experienced.
Love between Venus and Mars had a magical quality: they felt great pleasure in being together, doing things together, to divide everything. Although originating from different worlds, differeze liked each other. Months devoted to study, explorer and appreciate their needs, preferences and ways of behavior. For years, getting love and harmony.
Then they decided to reach Earth. At first everything was great, but then began to do the effects of Earth's atmosphere to be felt on awakening one morning and discovered they all suffer from a particular type of amnesia ...
Both the Martians and the Venusian forgot to come from different worlds and therefore necessarily be different. In one morning everything they had learned was erased from their memory. And from that day lived in conflict.
Because they have forgotten their differences, are condemned to live ein conflict. Usually we feel angry or frustrated towards our partner because we have forgotten this important truth. We expect that our comrades are similar to us. We would like that "wanted what we want" and "felt like we feel."
wrong to think that if our partners love us, react and behave according to certain patterns: those that we use when we love someone. An attitude destined to clash constantly with the reality and that prevents us from communicating our differeze.
eun will reach target is very important to a Martian, for he is only one way to demonstrate their skills and therefore feel good about himself. And to feel good about itself must alone achieve the goals it has set itself. Martians take pride in doing everything himself. Self-esteem equals and efficiency, power and competence. Offer an active sigbnifica an unsolicited advice to his eyes Nonso believe that what to do or can not do it alone, they are very susceptible in this regard. Because he loves to solve problems alone, it happens rarely that a Martian talk, unless you need some advice from an expert. Let's say you make such claims, because with someone else when I do it myself?. Ask for help when you can do for themselves is perceived as a sign of weakness. However if you really need help, then do not hesitate to obtain it by contacting to test someone to respect and esteem. On Mars, talk about a problem is equivalent to the request for advice. When you are interested in a Martian feels honored of the opportunity offered to him. Automatically puts his hand to his hat to Mr. Builder, listen a bit 'and then offers as a brilliant opinion. This habit of Mars is one of the reasons for which the assets are led by instinct to offer solutions, while the expense to talk about their problems. If a person quite innocently shows a disturbance in his or lists aloud the difficulty that affects the assets he is convinced, quite erroneously, that he is looking for expert advice. Then puts his hat and begins to Mr Builder sciorinare advice, it is the way to Mars to show love and helpfulness. Ben
another point of view is that of passive income for the communication is of paramount importance. bringing others into their feelings is more important that achieving goals and success. Basically choose it relationships, express their love and their concern for the Venusian breakfast is an opportunity to deepen a relationship, to give and receive support and help. The steps start the conversazionic h in a restaurant can be very open and intimate, almost like diagolo that develops between therapist and patient.
E 'need active and passive decline to propose the type of aid best suited to their ropes and begin to learn that their divers emodalità parnter think, feel and interact.
The focus should learn to avoid comments on the mood, the person must avoid disapproval of jokes about the thoughts and actions of the partner.


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