Thursday, February 24, 2011

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The assets and liabilities in the caves are talking about.

One major difference between assets and liabilities to the way diff to deal with stress.
The assets tend to close more and more in themselves and to focus on the problem, while the passive feel gradually more and more overwhelmed and emotionally involved.
In these circumstances, the needs of both partners diverge.: The assets it feels meglios and solve problems, if the person speaks.
When an alien is upset, never talks about what worries him. It becomes very quiet and private retreats to his cave to reflect on the problem and examine it from every angle looking for the solution. When he found it, he feels relieved and left the cave. If you can not find a solution, then look for something that allows him to forget the problems, such as reading the newspaper or engage in leisure activity .. Diverting the mind from the problems of the day, can gradually relax. If the stress is really strong, it is likely to spend even more demanding activities, such as auto racing, participating in a race or climbing a mountain ... in the case of building a mobile Geppetto.
When Venus is upset or stressed, find solace in turning to someone they trust, explaining the difficulties of day. If s feel overwhelmed by the difficulties, the Venusian benefit from bringing others into their discomfort.
When a substance is enclosed in his cave is unable to give his companion the attention they deserve. In those moments the other is difficult to accept because he does not realize the degree of stress placed on it. If your partner is talking about his problems, be able to be more sympathetic, but he is closed in itself and the other ends up feeling ignored. When a substance takes refuge in the cave, the partner feels hurt and resented. It must change its attitude: no one is allowed inside the cave, not even the best friends.


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