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Before Christmas I took some photo Beah - Fans of Harry Potter. What do you think?
Beah now attends the fifth year of the Modern Language School in the country. The wall, romance, futurism and racism did not meet our model for the idea of \u200b\u200byour essay. And just think 'what has inspired you? HARRY POTTER. As a child the love for our boy wizard Hèèrry animated Beah's heart and, even now, after reaching the age of majority, never tires of talking about the saga or the various historical events. And so in early July will present his thesis titled "The magic is Power."
Hello everyone! :) Sorry for the long absence, but between school and the various commitments and I do not always manage to find Polly ...
As Polly said, I decided to make the thesis for his maturity, starting from the boy wizard saga of my favorite:) start from the statue at the Ministry of Magic changed when Voldemort rises to power. The statue represents the supremacy of the muggles and wizards and other magical creatures bears the words "The magic is power."
Oh well I will not dwell, if you're interested I'll tell you something, just ask:)
Hello \u0026lt;3
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