Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wedding Invitation Religious


today I had the My examination and among some there will be another time to say that this has gone I got 24 so I'm not complaining.
Anyway now my theory is confirmed to be at the exams luck!
you have studied what you think but if that rejection is not assured, maybe because you have two lines going Zompa assured that you will be asked! 100% SAFE!
and then an examination stress can have an amazing cause at least for my part I examination during the preparation of a cry, do not sleep and I'm always super nervous, you think those poor people around you, you know ^ _ ^
but I can not do anything.
then let's be clear that the whole theory that practical studies in the act of 1 and 2 will not only learn working SEEV! Nor will be charged only 60% and this is a theory certified!
and in these days that you are under stress who you put in the middle?? (At least as for me) the guy!
it because he was under stress when she went to college?
do not understand you had nervous before an exam and help ME ... AND WHEN THE TEST??
when I test if you ask him a hand I do not have time makes you weigh, if you answer wrong offends you (so over the stress of the examination you have to think well of him that is poor would be offended if while you're studying called a hundred times for him to say things that are important, but you are just at the time and trouble if you tell him?? well, we anticipate the end of the world) then people
examination, however, is only a great stress that gives you happiness when you exceed it is huge ^ _ ^


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